ADS TECH PYRO A/V Link User Manual

The PYRO A/V Link is an innovative, hassle-free device that is designed to let you convert analog video to dv and vice-versa easily. ADS Technologies respects the rights of copyright owners and asks that you do the same. The Copy Right Act gives owners of copyrights the exclusive right to reproduce and prepare derivative works as well as to publicly perform, display and distribute their works. This means that you must obtain permission to engage in any of these activities when using works that are copyrighted by another person.

© 2003 ADS Technologies. All Rights Reserved First Edition: September 2003

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Product Overview PYRO A/V Link High Quality Analog to DV Video Converter

The ultimate tool for capturing and converting video into professional quality DV format and an extraordinary tool for exporting edited DV content to analog video tape recorders..

The missing link in DV Video

Capturing DV from a Digital camcorder is fantastic, but what about all of the video content you have in other formats (8mm, beta, VHS, DVD), how do you get that content into the DV format? PYRO A/V link solves the problem by converting any analog video source into DV.

DV video looks great but when you want to send it to tape your options are limited. You can export back to your miniDV camcorder, but it’s hard to share a miniDV tape with Grandma. PYRO A/V link bridges the gap by allowing you to export DV video to any analog video recorder. Capture and edit your video, then output to VHS and share tapes that anyone can watch!

Capture, Edit, Export

With PYRO A/V link you can capture from any video source, including DV camcorders. Mix and match your video content to create a truly unique video production. Capture the video with VideoStudio 7 SE DVD, then add video lters, transition effects, video overlays, narration, background music and more. When your video production is a wrap, export to any VCR or VTR, save as MPEG-2 and burn a DVD (Windows only) or publish to the Internet.