Our Strategic Plan 2024-2026

The Strategic Plan provides a clear framework for delivery of our mission. It serves as a compass, aligning our efforts with the wellbeing of our clients, staff, volunteers, referrers, funders and partners, all working together towards shared objectives. This is particularly important during a period of increasing compliance and persisting workforce pressures.

This plan charts the course for the next three financial years, with a keen focus on prioritising resources for maximum impact. To ensure our goals and objectives come to fruition, the plan is reinforced by individual service business plans and a rigorous reporting and governance framework that continually evaluates our progress, performance and impact.

Our plan is summarised around four vital goals of equal importance:


Goal 1: Fortify our Foundations

Using robust agency data and a sustainable performance mindset, we can optimise efficiency and effectiveness, better integrate the use of technology for staff and clients and leverage our strengths.