How To Sleep Comfortably With A Mouthguard

If you suffer from problems like obstructive sleep apnea or teeth grinding, your dentist may recommend wearing a mouthguard to sleep. This can be an abrupt and uncomfortable transition for many patients, but it shouldn’t cause you to lose any sleep. As time passes, your mouth will adapt to the presence of its new bite-sized friend. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you expedite the process, courtesy of our Canton dentist office.

Know the Reason

There are a number of reasons why your mouthguard could be bothersome. Identifying the particular reason it’s causing discomfort is the first step toward finding a solution. Is the mouthguard triggering your gag reflex? Does it feel to big or too tight? Is it noticeably causing your entire mouth to shift? If any of these issues are causing you distress, contact your Canton dentist, as you may need to be refitted for a new mouthguard.

Prepare for the Inevitable

Naturally light sleepers are more likely to struggle in their transition to wearing a mouthguard than deep sleepers. If you consider yourself to be a light sleeper, it may behoove you to ease into a mouthguard by wearing an upper and lower night guard. Made from a lighter material, night guards are smaller but can help you get used to the feeling of wearing a bulkier mouthguard. Contact Bright Side Dental for more information.

Use Before Bed

It will take some time to adapt to your new mouthguard, regardless of how deeply you sleep or how well you’ve prepared for its arrival. Start using your mouthguard before bed so you can get used to how it feels. This way it won’t be so jarring when it’s time to shut down for the night.

Be Patient

Even if you follow all of these tips, do not be discouraged if your mouthguard still causes you discomfort after a few days. Just keep following these tips and try to relax, knowing that every day it will get a little bit easier.

If you need a sleep apnea dentist or would like to learn more about the benefits of wearing mouthguard, contact the experts at Bright Side Dental. Our experienced dentists use the latest technologies to treat this common sleeping disorder. For more information or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at 734-221-3189 or visit us online at